Sunday, August 26, 2007

some more pics.... sort of a visual journey through our summer... if you will--perhaps just a snippette...

Scotty's Godfather Mikey is no longer playing with William Tell and is now taking some time to reflect with the Chiodos boys on the Lucky 13th Warped.... BUT before he left he took some time to visit us and our lovely Bria here in rochester....

It's not the SIZE that matters it's the experience!!
and then it was Bria's birthday..... Aren't you 21 now?? :)

We had a chance to check out Warped Tour in Cleveland and ended up in a twisted mess of metal, beating hail, flooding rains, and the most out of control lightening storm I've ever been in the middle of.... especially surrounded by electrical gear, standing in water, and holding onto a metal shade tent for dear life....
BEFORE the rain!! So stoked to be all set up and able to "bro-down"

and THEN it started to RAIN!! AND RAIN!!

check out the video.... it's not my video, but a pretty good representation of exactly where I was...except for the fact that we DID NOT have the pleasure of being under a HUGE tent we were under one of the pieces of twisted metal you see at the END of the video... hence the "holding on for dear life"! :)
MMmmm..... what else is new? WELL, we got a new boat! Guess thats the biggest and newest thing that's been keeping us busy all summer long..... here are a few pics from early on in the summer....

I threw Ryan a surprise 30th birthday party at his favorite bar Marge's and here are a couple of our guests...Zuke, our Jilly, and the T-man....

Okay, that was a very very quick update and I hope to say that I will NOT be soo long in posting again!

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